These machine also works on ‘Pressure Feed’ System, resulting in very High cleaning rate. The Pressure Vessel is manufactured as per IS : 2825 and hydraulically tested at 250 psig. The nozzle used is of Tungsten Carbide lined for long lasting life. Machine is supplied with Low weight, anti – static blast hose. The equipment is supplied with Remote Control for On / Off of the Blasting operation. These are operated with compressed air and hence need no electricity.
The equipment is fitted with specially designed ‘Dump Valve’ Assembly which enable low working pressure at the discharge of the Blast Nozzle. Mounted on three wheels, the equipment is portable and can be carried wherever desired. A moisture separator unit is provided in the air line fitting of the machine in order to prevent moisture and water contents to enter the machine.
for Low Intensity Blasting on thin sheets, wood and glass. This machine is
specially designed for Glass Bead Blasting.
Technical Specifications